The Law of Attraction also teaches us that the universe conspires to give you what you want. Through your thoughts and actions, you are constantly communicating, either consciously or subconsciously, exactly what it is that you want. So, if you’re dissatisfied with your current circumstances, the first thing that you have to do is change the way you think about them.

“You create your own universe as you go along.”
– Winston Churchill
Why it’s important to have a Vision Board?
If you want to alter the circumstances and gain more control over your life, you have to be intentional about it. You can’t sit back and idly dream and just wish things are going to change. You have to will them to change.
Figure out what it is that you want
This is your life mission statement. Your life mission statement may change multiple times over the course of your life, but for right now we’re not thinking about ten years down the road, we’re thinking about how things can improve in the next year to five years. A mission statement can be something like:
“By the end of October 2014 I will be managing a high-end department store in downtown Los Angeles where I be given the responsibility I am capable of having along with a 20% pay increase.”
“By February 2014 I will have cultivated friendships with positive people who will encourage and support me. But starting today, I will stop spending my time with people who are negative and laugh at my dreams.”
And so on.
You could have a mission statement covering multiple aspects of your life, the point is to be specific. Incorporate dates and deadlines, so that when the deadlines come you can mark your progress and see how effective your mission statement is.
Also, make sure that if you have multiple mission statements that they don’t contradict each other. You can’t aspire to have a thriving business in Malibu if you live with your husband and children in Milwaukee. Set high goals, but make sure that you have a clear path to attain them.
Write down your mission statement(s)
This is incredibly important because it demonstrates to the universe your intentionality. By writing it down, you are making a contract with yourself, and common knowledge shows that written contracts are more binding than verbal contracts.
Post your Vision Board in a place you will see it everyday
Your thoughts determine your reality, if you don’t see your mission statement, you won’t be thinking about it. You need to think about it.
Read it aloud
This may sound silly at first. Who reads to themselves? But this is absolutely necessary. By reading it aloud you are teaching your mind to accept it as a reality. For it to ever come true, you have to first believe that it is true, not that it is just a possibility, but that it will happen.
Make Sure You’re Ready When Opportunity Strikes
Although you’re thinking about and doing all these things, if you’re not working to get the training necessary for management (or whatever goal you’ve set in your mission statement), or if you’re not going out and meeting new people in the case of example two, you’re not going to see the results. The renowned artist Pablo Picasso once said, “inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” I posit that opportunity exists, but it has to find you ready for it.